If You Have Bugs - Call Us, We Are Here To Help
If You Have Bugs - Call Us, We Are Here To Help
We provide complete residential, industrial, commercial, professional, medical and office services performed on a regularly scheduled basis: monthly, bi-monthly or one shot service. All services come with a warranty.
We also offer termite inspections and treatments.
Serving Hemet, San Jacinto, Beaumont, Banning, Temecula, Murrieta, Canyon Lake, Sun City, Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, Winchester, Yucaipa, Redlands, Homeland, Romoland, Cherry Valley, Calimesa, Menifee, and many more local areas. Call us at 951-654-9880 or 800-675-8081 and ask if we are in your area.
We will be happy to answer your Pest Control questions and concerns.
Monday - Friday: 8AM–5:00PM
Our technicians will treat the exterior foundation, grounds adjacent to the foundation, walkway edges, accessible eaves and trash collection area. On the interior, areas treated are the baseboards, under sink basins, bathtub plumbing, areas where spiders nest and the attic and garage.
How our warranty works:
On one time service accounts our warranty is for 30 days. We ask that you wait for one week for the service to take effect, the the 30 days starts. This covers ants, crickets, earwigs, oriental cockroaches, black widow spiders and any other specified insects. This warranty does not cover common house and garden spiders, their numbers will be reduced but with just one visit control is limited. They are only under warranty with a yearly control plan.
Warranties are as follows:
Monthly: Warranty is good up to 5 days prior to next visit.
Bi-Monthly: Warranty is good up to one week prior to next visit.
Quarterly: Warranty is good for 45 days after service.
Low Toxicity Pest Control is our expertise.
Unfortunately, several companies are advertising the use of “Organic” or “Non – Toxic” extermination methods. Despite their clever advertising, organic pesticide does not mean safe and all products will have a toxicity of some level. Low Impact Pest Control is our expertise. We use low toxicity, low odor materials. Our pesticides carry a minor “caution” label, as opposed to “warning” or “danger” which are substantially more dangerous to you and your family. Whether or not you decide to use our services, always ask for Low Impact Pest Control.
We will be happy to answer any questions - call us at 951-654-9880 or 800-675-8081 or e-mail us at somerspc1@verizon.net
Ants common in our service area are Odorous House Ants, Argentine Ants, California Fireants and Harvester Ants both red and black.Odorous House Ants
They get their name because if you squish one between your fingers they have a minty odor. They are dark reddish brown to black and 1/10 –inch long. They most often nest inthe walls or beneath the floor and are most likely to invade during rainy weather. They travel in trails and forage day and night.
Argentine Ants
From light to dark brown and about 1/10-inch long, their colonies are massive and may contain hundreds of queens. They like to nest in moist soil next to or under buildings. These ants travel in trails and forage day and night.
California Fire Ant
These ants come in two sizes, minor workers are about 1/10- inch long and major workers that are about 1/3- inch long. They are reddish orange in the front and blackin the back. Fire ants are very aggressive and have a very painful sting and can bite as well.
Harvester Ants
We find these mostly in open undeveloped areas on ranches and backyards yet to be landscaped. They are large 3/16 to ¼- inch long.
Two of the most common in our service area are the Subterranean and the Dry Wood termites.
Subterranean Termites live in colonies in the soil. They require moisture from the soil to survive and can tunnel hundreds of feet to reach feeding sites. To reach food above ground, they build mud tubes to protect them from exposure to air, light and enemies.
Drywood Termites live inside dry wood. Their colonies can be dispersed within your home and can spread, infesting more than one area. They can cause serious damage to structures often long before they are discovered, piles of saw dust like pellets are a distinct sign of infestation, not as wide spread as Subterranean Termites.
Seasonal changes are the major reason for Bee Swarming. When the normal temperature of their habitat rises in spring, bees naturally swarm. This swarming enables the colony to develop more, allowing them to store enough honey in the summer and autumn to prepare for hibernation during winter. While some swarms of bees are not likely to sting, certain bee species are known to attack defensively at slight provocation. For this reason, it is best to use caution when in the presence of any swarm.
If you have a swarm of bees it is best to get rid of them before they have time
to make a new hive, otherwise the only way to rid your home of bees is to remove the hive entirely. This precarious task requires the correct tools and strategy. For safety and efficiency purposes, a pest control expert should be consulted before any bee control technique is attempted.
Earwigs are the most readily recognized insect pests in home gardens. They are known to damage seedling vegetables, annual flowers, maturing soft fruit and corn silks. Although they do cause some problems, they are known to also play a beneficial role in the landscape and are important predators to aphids.
The adult earwig can be identified by a pair of prominent appendages that resemble forceps at the tail end of the body. Adult body is about a half inch long and is reddish brown in color. If defending itself the forceps can be somewhat curved on the male and straight on the female. Immature earwigs look similar to adults but they are smaller and lack wings. Most species have wings located under short, hard wing covers, but rarely fly.
Cockroaches common in our service area:
Extremely heavy infestations are not uncommon. Often found in apartments and restaurants . The most widely dispersed of all cockroaches in the United States. About 5/8-inch long. Light to medium brown with two dark longitudinal streaks on the thorax. Found only indoors.
Also known as “water bugs” or “black beetles.” More sluggish than other species, gives off a distinctly unpleasant odor. Dark brown and about one inch long. Common outdoors; often enters buildings through sewer pipes. Tends to live near the ground and in warm, damp areas.
The largest structure-infesting species—about1/2-inch long. Reddish-brown wings with light markings on thorax. Very aggressive. Prefers warm, damp areas. More likely to be seen in daytime and outdoors than other species. Commonly found in food preparation areas.
We mostly see Roof Rats and House Mice in our service area.
Fleas are external parasites which can be found attached to the skin of their hosts. Adult fleas measure approximately 1/8-inch in length. Their bodies are shiny and reddish-brown in color. They are covered with microscopic hair and are compressed to allow for easy movement through animal fur. Fleas do not have wings, although they are capable of jumping long distances.
The Cat Flea is the most common flea in North America, although the dog, human, and sticktight fleas are also quite common. Fleas commonly attach themselves to dogs, cats, humans, chickens, rabbits, squirrels, rats, mice and other domesticated or wild animals.
The female flea lays her eggs on the surface hair of the host. Eggs then drop from the host and can infest carpets, bedding and furniture, hatching into larvae within 14 days. Flea larvae avoid light and feed on organic matter found within cracks and crevices. Usually within 18 days, larvae enter the pupal stage by constructing small, cocoon-like structures around themselves. Approximately two weeks later, adult fleas emerge and begin to search for food sources. Fleas establish large populations where pets and other animals, such as livestock, are present. Multiple treatment methods are often employed to eradicate a flea population.
Pets suffering from flea bites scratch themselves incessantly. Fleas also feed on humans and some people exhibit flea allergies. Fleas may also carry human diseases such as typhus and tularemia.
Ticks vary in color by species. Adult ticks are smaller than a sunflower seed (1/8- to 5/8-inch long if engorged with blood), while nymphal (or immature) ticks are less than 1/16-inch. Common problem ticks include the American dog tick, deer or black legged tick and lone star tick.
Often found near wooded and highly vegetated areas. Some species require moisture to survive. All females and males of most species feed on blood of mammals, birds and reptiles.
There are four stages in a tick’s lifecycle – egg, larvae, nymph and adult. Ticks have only six legs during their larval stage and eight legs during their nymphal and adult stages. They consume blood meals during all stages. Pathogens, or organisms that cause diseases in the animals they infect, can be passed through the stages of a tick’s life cycle.
A single bite of a female Black Widow can severely weaken the nerves and the brain, leading to difficulty in breathing, body aches and nausea. Adult females can reach an overall length of1.5″ and are black with a reddish hour glass design on the underside of their abdomens. Female Black Widows are larger than their male counterparts. Male Black widows do not pose a significant danger because their venomous organs are not used after they reach maturity.
Brown Recluse Spiders
Another dangerous spider is the Brown Recluse spider. Brown Recluse spiders are light brown in color, and approximately 1/2″ in length. These spiders are not native to California and are very rarely seen in Southern California. Even in parts of the country where they are more commonly found, they tend to remain hidden as much as possible hence the name, recluse. Both males and females are dangerous. Bites can produce dead tissue resulting in an open, ulcerating wound.
Other spiders we refer to as common house and garden spiders are generally harmless however their webs can be unsightly and annoying and having them crawl around in the house can be unpleasant .
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